Members: Got news? Submit a short blurb about your accomplishments as a writer using the Newsstand form:
This may include awards, nominations, achievements, interviews, recent publications,
and anything else pertaining to your accomplishments as a writer.
Read through the Newsstand Submission Guidelines for best practices. And for more tips, read previous announcements sent in by your fellow CWC members below.

Laurel’s Interview on Latest Fault Zone Sparks Views
At our September 21st meeting, Laurel Anne Hill asked those who had not already done so, to listen to the Independent Press Award's interview with her. The interview was conducted by Gabby Olczak and covers Laurel's work with Fault Zone, her three novels and her writing history. The YouTube views have now reached 1.5K! Keep passing on the link to your friends.

Carol Peyser at Feldman’s Books
Carol Peyser will star at two upcoming events at Feldman's bookstore in downtown Menlo Park, interviewing two senior genetic counselors from Stanford on October 15 and Dec 6. These relate to her debut novel hopefully in She Writes Press. Dancing With Fate centers around fraught matters of whether we humans want to know our genetic futures (as well as other themes). The first speaker specializes in testing for cancer genes but will also cover general caveats and cautions. The second will talk about testing for neurologic diseases like Alzheimer's and Huntington's disease (both with no cure so do people at risk want to know?) Carol will also share about the journey to her novel. Link to get tickets.

Megan E. McDonald to present Seeking Publishing Representation: Compiling Your List of Agents to Query
Join writer and aspiring author Megan E. McDonald at our Saturday, October 19, meeting as she demystifies the process of compiling a comprehensive target list. First, she will demonstrate the essential tools one can use to research prospective agents. Second, she will run through her own system based on her writing style and current projects, then open the floor to one or two attendees and help them start to compile lists live. You will leave with a better understanding of how to frame your search for relevant agents.

James Hanna interviewed by Literally Stories
Literally Stories, a site that has published twenty of James Hanna’s tales, interviews him in a Sunday feature entitled “Sunday Whoever.” The questions are fun questions and are not to be taken too seriously.

David Harris discovers that the third time is the charm
“Notes from a Reunion,” a story by David Harris about a high school classmate murdered while hitchhiking, was accepted for publication by On the Seawall. “It’s the third story I’ve submitted to them,” David says, “and the editor had sent thoughtful and encouraging rejections with the two other stories. The third time was the charm for this one.” His writing critique group provided “very helpful feedback.”

Another poem published by Marianne
Marianne Brems' poem "No Room" was published in Dear O Deer issue 199 by Pangolin Review on September 8. Hooray, Marianne!

Claudia Hyslop to read her poem at Redwood Writers’ launch party
Claudia Hyslop has been invited to read her poem, “The Lake,” at CWC-Redwood Writers’ launch party for their 2024 poetry anthology, One Day, on Sunday September 22. The potluck launch party is being held at a member’s private home.
Dr. Jeanne Powell enjoys writing retreat in Tuscany
Dr. Jeanne Powell’s writing submission was one of sixteen chosen for a ten-day writing retreat in Tuscany with Anaphora Arts. Writers took classes with three instructors, then relaxed in an air-conditioned villa near Lucca with day trips to Lucca, Pisa, and Florence. Dr. Jeanne is planning a weekly online journal to start September 2024.

Geri Spieler discusses Regina of Warsaw in online interview
Geri Spieler’s latest book of historical fiction, Regina of Warsaw, based on her grandmother’s flight from Poland’s pogroms, received a glowing review from Midwest Book Review.
On The Andrew Jose Show in a recorded interview entitled “Regina Anuszewicz’s Heroic Flight from Antisemitism in Eastern Europe with Geri Spieler,” Geri discusses chronicling her grandmother’s life and experiences as a Jewish refugee in the US from Eastern Europe.

Carole Bumpus’s latest culinary travel book to launch in November
Carole Bumpus’s latest work, Adventures on Land and Sea: Searching for Culinary Pleasures in Provence and Along the Côte d’Azur, has gone to the printer. The book will launch November 12. Carole “can’t wait to share some of the stories hidden in those pages.”

Eva Barrows to present Get Ready to Publish: Selecting the Right Editor for Your Writing Project
Whether taking the traditional publishing route or striking out on your own by self-publishing, working with a professional editor is essential.
At the CWC meeting on Saturday, September 21, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., editors Eva Barrows and Lila LaBine will introduce you to the different types of editing professionals who can help you through various stages of the writing process. Learn about interviewing potential editors, what deliverables to expect, and how to support your editor partner. Gain confidence in what step to take next in your publishing journey.

Kate Adams to present Playing with Poetry at Writers Helping Writers in San Mateo
On Thursday, September 12, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the San Mateo Public Library, join Kate Adams, Fault Zone poetry editor, and fellow writers as we generate lines and see where they go.
For California Writers Club members who want to submit their work to the next issue of Fault Zone, this is a good opportunity to be inspired!

Vanessa MacLaren-Wray to present Let the Story Shine Through: Preparing Your Manuscript for Publication
Your story (or poem or article) is special, but how can you make the manuscript catch an editor’s or agent’s attention?
At Writers Helping Writers in Palo Alto, Vanessa MacLaren-Wray will give writers the necessary tools to make their manuscripts shine. Her workshop will cover submission requirements, demystification of the cover letter, and the wait for acceptance. Please join us on Thursday, September 19 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Rinconada Library in Palo Alto.

Bruce Neuberger to read from his new book, Postcards to Hitler
Bruce Neuberger’s Postcards to Hitler: A German Jew’s Defiance in a Time of Terror is a contestant at the National Jewish Book Awards. In the final stages of preparation, the audiobook will be out soon. A Hindi language version of Postcards will be published by Gargi Books of Delhi, India. Pkys AFT Local 2121 Retirees is hosting a reading of Postcards to Hitler on September 6 at 1 p.m. at the S.F. Main Library, Paley Room.

Tice Swackhamer’s fiction and photo published in two anthologies
Tice Swackhamer announces the publication of her flash fiction piece, “The Pantry,” in the recently released California Writers Club’s Visions and Verse anthology, an ekphrastic book of poetry, prose, art, and photography. Her photo, “The Golden Hour,” is among the fifteen art contest winners. Her short story, “Bread,” will appear in the forthcoming Redwood Writers 2024 anthology, Transitions.

Audrey Kalman offers a FREE ten-week creativity/mindfulness program
Audrey Kalman, co-creator with Jennifer Browdy of the Birth Your Truest Story online writers’ community, is offering “Gather at the Oasis,” a FREE ten-week creativity/mindfulness program beginning September 2. Participants will receive weekly affirmations, writing prompts, and guided meditations, along with an invitation to attend online community writing sessions. Join here for free or send questions to

Jim Hanna’s novella available on Kindle
Jim Hanna’s novella Lights Out Lizzie is available on Kindle. Gertie McDowell from backwoods Kentucky joins Sister Sue and her Christian Ladies of Wrestling. Their mission is to bring folks to Jesus by having women posing as Christians beat the daylights out of women pretending to be sinners.
The show becomes a sensation, and Gertie, now known as Lights Out Lizzie, is recruited to entertain American forces in Afghanistan.
Packed with zany humor, bruising bouts, and a couple of Biblical allusions, Lights Out Lizzie is rated a five-star must-read by Book Viral.

Laurel Anne Hill Interviewed
"Gab Talks", an Independent Press Award podcast, recently interviewed Laurel Anne Hill about Fault Zone: Detachment, her three novels, (Heroes Arise, The Engine Woman's Light, and Plague of Flies: Revolt of the Spirits, 1846) and her philosophy about writing. To listen to the thirty-five-minute podcast, click here.

Carole Goes Global
All six of Carole Bumpus’ books published by She Writes Press are now being distributed through Simon & Schuster. Open up that link to read her bio and see all of her books for sale there. This is a very big deal because of S&S’ reputation and clout in the industry plus its vast global outreach. Carole says that, while her bio on S&S is “old and needs to be updated, it does acknowledge all of my connections with the CWC and the anthology connections.” What a great achievement, Carole!

Pat Obuchowski Rules!
Pat Obuchowski’s poem ‘She Who Rules’ has been selected for publication in the 2024 One Day CWC Redwood Writers Poetry Anthology.