Writers Helping Writers
Hosted by Palo Alto Public Library
3rd Thursday of most months (check back for updates)
Produced by the San Francisco Peninsula branch of the California Writers Club
How to Find a Literary Agent
Conventional wisdom and recent guidance in traditional publishing hold that, in the process of seeking representation for your work, you should expect to send at least one hundred query letters. But where in the world do you find a hundred or more agents to query? Join writer and aspiring author Megan E. McDonald as she demystifies the process of compiling a comprehensive agent target list. She will describe and demonstrate essential tools (Publishers Marketplace, QueryTracker, Manuscript Wish List, Amazon, and good ole Google), run through the process using her own writing style and current projects as an example, then open the floor up to attendees who'd like to start to build their lists live.
Megan E. McDonald is a 2016 recipient of a Stanford Online Writing Certificate in Fiction. She was named Literary Stage Exhibitor of the Year at the San Mateo County Fair in 2018, and also placed in that contest's poetry and fiction divisions in 2019. She has read personal essays at literary salon Bay Area Generations, delivered a Perspectives segment on KQED Radio, and was selected as a semi-finalist for the pilot episode of writing reality show America’s Next Great Author. Her work has appeared in Fault Zone: Reverse and Phases, the Redwood Writers’ anthology. She is currently querying with her chick lit novel DIRTY.
Attend these free events at the Palo Alto Rinconada Library. All presenters are local authors from the California Writers Club, San Francisco Peninsula branch.
Upcoming presenters:
February 20 - Lisa Meltzer Penn, Editing
March 20 - TBD
Presentations are the third Thursday of the month.
Megan E. McDonald
January 16
6:30 - 7:45 pm
1213 Newell Road
Palo Alto 94303
As you enter the library on the right off Newell Road, there is ample parking. The library is to your left opposite the Palo Alto Art Building. The Embarcadero Room is immediately to your right as you enter the building.
Palo Alto Public Library Events
Hosted by Cynthia McCarthy, Writers Helping Writers is offered jointly by CWC's San Francisco Peninsula branch and the Palo Alto Public Library.
Please join us the third Thursday of the month (except June, July, August, and December) at 6:30 pm. Meetings are in-person only.
To hear about other writing programs, subscribe to the library newsletter here.
Each month, CWC SF Peninsula branch members share learned techniques and experiences in our craft. From scoping out your memoir to finding inspiration for a poem to plotting your novel to learning the ins and outs of blogging—we teach what we’ve learned. This is an opportunity for all writers to meet and share their experiences.
Our purpose? To pass on what we’ve discovered to help other writers.
Anyone can attend, free of charge.