Faces of the SF Peninsula Branch
A very special Branch send-off for one of our most beloved and inspiring members, Ida J. Lewenstein!
January 2025
Summer Picnic for Members, July 20, 2024 … a few photos
Bruce Neuberger, author, with our award-winning Fault Zone: Detachment trophy
Carol Reade, author
Eva Barrows, author
Tom Adams, author
Sue Barizon, bearing gifts!
Chowin' down and lookin' good!
These guys know how to smile!
Say ... where have I seen these folks before?
Quick! Pose for the camera!
Uh-oh ... It's-Its!!!
At Our May 2024 Meeting

Speaker, writer, and editor Mary Knippel urges us to experience "The Power of Your Transformational Story"

David Harris reads from one of his short stories

Writer Laurel Anne Hill shares news

Writer and editor of Fault Zone, our anthology, tells us how members can help compile the next edition

Lisa Meltzer Penn shares about her Shut Up & Write session at Penelope's Coffee in Foster City, with a nod of approval from Vibha Akkaraju
Pictures from our 2023 Holiday Party

Alyssa Lauren Stone with Fault Zone authors Alicia Willis and Vanessa with a copy of our new anthology.

Our president, Vibha Akkaraju, welcomes members and their guests.

Author Vanessa MacLaren-Wray (foreground) and Laurel Anne Hill sell copies of Fault Zone: Detachment, available for the first time.

Author Laurel Anne Hill gives us the low down on how Fault Zone: Detachment came to be.

Author Tom Adams reads from his story about "Ricky the Robot."

Fault Zone editor Kate Adams reads one of her poems
Pictures from our October meeting

Vice President Eva Barrows introduces our guest speaker for October, Constance Hale

Constance Hale tells us about the wizardry of ... verbs, adjectives, adverbs ... those little thing-a-dingies a writer can draw from her magic hat.

Ida Lewenstein reads from her works at our October meeting
A few of our authors' books on display at the San Mateo Library
Pictures from our September meeting

Alisha Willis introduces our speaker

President Vibbha Akkaraju

Our August speaker, Isidra Mencos, enlighted us on choosing a great title for our book or essay
Pictures from our August 2023 meeting.
Geri Spieler & David Harris discuss elections for officers & voting on policies & procedures & bylaws
Accepting her board's wacky chicken gift in appreciation of her service as president, Geri confesses her love of the little two-legged "girls" she feeds daily in her back yard
Changing of the guard: new VP Eva Barrows, outgoing Pres Geri Spieler, new Pres Vibha Akkaraju
Geri Spieler presents the Louise Boggess award for outstanding service to Sue Barizon (pictured) and her husband Steve, who support all our events by bringing food and setting up each event. Thanks, guys!
Lisa Meltzer Penn prepares to present the Jack London award to honor a branch member whose service to the California Writers Club (CWC) and/or a branch has been exemplary
Lisa presents the Jack London award to Tim Flood while explaining that, on his first volunteer gig for the branch, Tim held an umbrella ... it was a hot day!
Laurel Anne Hill gives a status report on progress with the latest edition of Fault Zone
David Harris leads new president Vibha and VP Eva to take their oath of office
Darlene Frank tells members of writers in her writing program will Read & Celebrate Their Work (June 28 at 6pm). Click on picture to register.
Steven Redecki of Paper Angel Press gave a great presentation at our June meeting, entitled "Small Publishing in a Big Universe"
Darlene Frank presentation at a Writers Helping Writers session at the Rinconada Library in Palo Alto on March 16, 2023.
Branch Holiday Party December 04, 2022 at the Sequoia Yacht Club.
Members of our branch read selections from their works to fellow members and guests.

Kate Adams

Evelyn LaTorre

Richard McCallum

Laurel Anne Hill

Sheena Arora

Mary Beth O'Connor

Mickie Winkler

David Harris

Geri Spieler

David Strom

Ida Lewenstein

Bruce Neuberger

Jeanne Powell

Carolyn Curtis
Belmont Library Reading from our award-winning Fault Zone: Reverse.
Fun at the Summer Picnic, July 17, 2022, at Laurelwood Park in San Mateo.
Is that Audrey Kalman behind that mask? With Darlene Frank
Alexander Gorelik with president Geri Spieler
Mary Beth O'Connor and David Strom (or wait a sec! Is that some super villain?)
Enjoying a great time together!
Lots of smiles
Doug Baird, Cheryl Ray, Richard McCallum and his guest.
Good conversation

Geri Spieler awards long-time members Jo Carpignano and Ida Lewenstein emeritus status

Louise Boggess Annual Award for Outstanding Contribution: Margaret Nalbach and Tim Flood 2022

New members gather for New Member Orientation in 2019

New members gather for New Member Orientation in 2019

Former branch president Audrey Kalman

Board of directors 2018

Think Tank with Albert Jan, January 2018

President Geri Spieler, April 2022

Introducing speaker Becky Parker Geist, April 2019