
Members: Got news? Send a short news blurb about your accomplishments as a writer (awards, nominations, achievements, interviews, and anything else pertaining to your accomplishments as a writer), a resizable .jpeg image of yourself, and any relevant URLs to

Steve Latner and the Hardboiled Truth
Tim Flood Tim Flood

Steve Latner and the Hardboiled Truth

Head’s up all you detectives and criminals out there! Member Stephen Latner has organized an evening of exciting readings, “Hardboiled Truth: A Celebration of Local Crime Authors,” awaits you! Steve, plus David Wolk and Alfred Jan, will give us the truth, along with some jazz piano. Who knows what this will lead to, but everyone is welcome for the event at Feldmans Books in Menlo Park on June 14th, 6pm. Scroll down to find this event on the website.

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Marianne Brems Publishes Her Poetry Collection
Tim Flood Tim Flood

Marianne Brems Publishes Her Poetry Collection

Marianne Brems is excited to announce the publication of her first full-length poetry collection Stepping Stones on May 8, 2024. She is planning a live poetry reading in late June to celebrate and will send invitations with a date later. “Unlike my previous books,” Marianne writes, “there is no pre-order period for Stepping Stones. Copies are currently available for immediate delivery from Kelsay Books or Amazon. If you order from Amazon and feel so inclined, please feel free to leave a short review.” Congratulations, Marianne!

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Mary E. Knippel to help writers discover the wisdom of their transformational stories at CWC May meeting
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Mary E. Knippel to help writers discover the wisdom of their transformational stories at CWC May meeting

Mary E. Knippel believes writing is a tremendous tool for self-development and that everyone has a soul story of hope the world needs to hear. Designed to inspire, inform, delight, and empower, her presentation will help writers learn how seemingly random incidents in their lives could be the foundation of their transformational stories and the start of so much more. Join us at our CWC meeting Saturday, May 18!

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Submissions open for Redwood Writers 2024 anthology Transitions
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Submissions open for Redwood Writers 2024 anthology Transitions

Editor Jan Rowley of the CWC Redwood Writers branch invites all CWC members to submit a short story for possible inclusion in the Redwood Writers 2024 anthology Transitions. Your story should allow readers to experience your character’s journey through a period of change. A character may be a human, an aspect of nature, or an alien of the author’s imagination. All adult fiction genres are welcome. The deadline is May 17. Find details here.

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Miera Rao poetry
Tim Flood Tim Flood

Miera Rao poetry

A selection of prose and another of poetry, by Miera Rao — each paired with beautiful artwork — have been selected for inclusion in the CWC Redwood Writers’ forthcoming Vision and Verse anthology. Cudos to our Writing Critique Group Matchmaker, Miera!

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Laurel Anne Hill to offer her writing approach at Writers Helping Writers San Mateo
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Laurel Anne Hill to offer her writing approach at Writers Helping Writers San Mateo

We’ve all heard the advice: write what you know. Memories, though, play hide-and-seek among the storage bins of our brains. Sooner or later the keys to knowledge rust—if they can be found at all. On Thursday, May 9, 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. at the San Mateo Public Library, award-winning author Laurel Anne Hill will share her approach to writing what she used to know.

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Sheena Arora to present at Palo Alto’s Writers Helping Writers
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Sheena Arora to present at Palo Alto’s Writers Helping Writers

Do you get bogged down formatting your document? Do you want to know an efficient system in which to sort your writing drafts?

Join Sheena Arora on Thursday, May 16, 6:30 p.m.–7:45 p.m. at the Rinconada Library to learn the basics of formatting and tracking changes in MS Word. By the end of her presentation, you will better understand Word and know how to organize your files.

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Two new stories by James Hanna!
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Two new stories by James Hanna!

James Hanna’s “Wee Folk” found a new home in Bewildering Stories. Read about a playboy who bonds with a fiery female alien only six inches tall.

His “Krispy Kremes” appears in The Fear of Monkeys. In this story, a small Midwest town resists the COVID vaccine. Why? Because the deep state is using the vaccine to sterilize and eliminate America’s middle class.

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Sheena Arora to lead new late-night, midweek Zen Shut Up and Write
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Sheena Arora to lead new late-night, midweek Zen Shut Up and Write

Wish you had dedicated time to write? Are you looking to ignite your creativity and make progress on your writing? 

Ditch your television! Try Shut Up and Write, where writers gather to work on their projects. 

Join Sheena Arora for a supportive and motivating mid-week ONLINE writing session every Wednesday from 8:45 p.m.–10:45 p.m. PST. 

Register at MeetUp or at Shut Up & Write.

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David Harris's short story published in online journal
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

David Harris's short story published in online journal

Fiction writer and CWC-SFP board member David Harris’s new short story, "The East Bay Hills,” appears in the online journal Roi Fainéant. His story explores how a woman approaching middle age returns to the neighborhood where she grew up and attempts to come to terms with a tragic event that still haunts her.

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Tim Flood’s novel receives offer from publisher!
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Tim Flood’s novel receives offer from publisher!

Histria Books has offered to publish Tim Flood’s first novel, The Flower of Canaan, a historical fiction tale of the 13th century BCE. The contract has been submitted to the Author’s Guild for legal review. Assuming it’s a go, Tim will take the next leg of his journey to publication.  

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CWC poets shine at Feldman’s Books event
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

CWC poets shine at Feldman’s Books event

Our member poets Marianne Brems, Kate Adams, Anne Marie Wenzel, and Ray Acevedo read at the Feldman’s Books First Friday event on April 5 to about 40 attendees. Feldman’s Books in Menlo Park is actively looking for new readers for their First Friday events, the first Friday of each month. Contact Aidan Stone for details.

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Geri Spieler to present “Advanced Internet Research Skills” at CWC meeting in April
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Geri Spieler to present “Advanced Internet Research Skills” at CWC meeting in April

How do you start your research process? What words do you use to find information? At our April 20 CWC meeting, Geri Spieler, author of Housewife Assassin: The Woman Who Tried to Kill President Ford, will introduce several online research methodologies to equip you with the necessary skills and tools that will help you find accurate information and discern whether it is reliable. Attendees will receive a list of the information from her PowerPoint.

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