
Members: Got news? Send a short news blurb about your accomplishments as a writer (awards, nominations, achievements, interviews, and anything else pertaining to your accomplishments as a writer), a resizable .jpeg image of yourself, and any relevant URLs to

Sheena Arora grateful for online writing group
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Sheena Arora grateful for online writing group

Involved with in-person critique groups for over a decade, Sheena Arora writes, “I outgrew their format. About a year ago, I formed Writers with Right Words. We meet virtually. We support each other. We encourage each other. Most importantly, amidst the voices of other writers, my writing grows stronger.” Sheena met two of them, Springer Teich and Miera Rao, at a California Writers Club—SF Peninsula meeting.

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Sneak peek of James Hanna’s new novella
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Sneak peek of James Hanna’s new novella

An excerpt from James Hanna’s forthcoming novella, Lights Out Lizzie, appears in Literally Stories. In Lights Out Lizzie, Gertie McDowell, the hapless heroine of James’s novel, The Ping-Pong Champion of Chinatown, joins the Christian Ladies of Wrestling. Their mission: to bring folks to Jesus by having women posing as Christians beat the daylights out of women posing as sinners. The troupe draws huge crowds of cheering spectators in America’s Southwest.

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Geri Spieler to present “Advanced Internet Research Skills” at CWC meeting in April
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Geri Spieler to present “Advanced Internet Research Skills” at CWC meeting in April

How do you start your research process? What words do you use to find information? At our April 20 CWC meeting, Geri Spieler, author of Housewife Assassin: The Woman Who Tried to Kill President Ford, will introduce several online research methodologies to equip you with the necessary skills and tools that will help you find accurate information and discern whether it is reliable. Attendees will receive a list of the information from her PowerPoint.

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Bruce Neuberger presents
Tim Flood Tim Flood

Bruce Neuberger presents

On Apr 11 Bruce Neuberger will speak in Munich at a rally in the city's Odeonsplatz for an anti-fascist event titled "Return of the Names." On Apr 13 he will talk about his new book, Postcards to Hitler: A German Jew's Defiance in a Time of Terror at the Munich Readery bookstore. Read more here.

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Inaugural Author Day a success!
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Inaugural Author Day a success!

On February 17, at our inaugural Author Day, created by VP Eva Barrows, 64 noisy, excited participants networked, celebrated, shared, sold books, told writers’ yarns in genre circles, and gabbed in twos and threes. Tim Flood reports that the room was abuzz with raffles, announcements, and news. Guests came, liked the energy, and joined up. A member from another branch said, “There’s so much more energy in your branch. I’ll come here whenever I can!”

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Dave Strom’s super presentation at CWC–Fremont
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Dave Strom’s super presentation at CWC–Fremont

Dave M. Strom applied his superpowers to present “A Comic Book Geek’s Open Mic Journey: Tips and Tricks” at the CWC–Fremont Zoom meeting on Saturday, February 24, 2:00–4:00 p.m. Dave writes super action-comedy stories about Super Holly Hansson and her super friends and fiends. He has self-published Super Holly Hansson in Super Bad Hair Day! and has been published in local anthologies, including three Fault Zones!

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Megan MacDonald to present at Writers Helping Writers in Palo Alto
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Megan MacDonald to present at Writers Helping Writers in Palo Alto

Want to jump-start your writing? Let Megan MacDonald help you “Lean into Your Writing.” Whether you already have an idea or are just starting out, Megan will discuss:

  •        How to make time for your writing

  •        Where to find your writing community

  •        What to do when you’re ready to share your work

Come to Writers Helping Writers in Palo Alto n Thursday, March 21, 6:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m., at the Rinconada Library!

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Carole Bumpus to speak at the San Francisco Writers Conference
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Carole Bumpus to speak at the San Francisco Writers Conference

At the 20th annual San Francisco Writers Conference (February 15–18) at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco, Carole Bumpus will speak on two separate panels. On Friday, February 16, she invites writers to “Nonfiction: Package Your Content for the Market” and “Nonfiction: Finding Resources, Becoming a Resource.” She will also be available for consultations during the day and in the evening will present her books at the Wine and Book Tasting event.

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Audrey Kalman offers a writing and hiking retreat in Stinson Beach
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Audrey Kalman offers a writing and hiking retreat in Stinson Beach

Member Audrey Kalman and her Birth Your Truest Story writers’ community co-creator offer a Writing & Hiking Retreat March 25–28 in Stinson Beach. Revitalize your body, mind, and spirit and recharge your writing practice with a joyous creative idyll at this sanctuary by the sea. 4 days/3 nights of craft sessions, prompted writing, free writing time, and sharing interspersed with nature hikes. Group size is limited; registration deadline is February 10. Additional info and registration here. Contact for any questions.

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