Oct 14th, 2024 Board Meeting
If you wish to attend, email your request to president@sfpeninsulawriters.com.
California Writers Club
San Francisco/Peninsula Branch
Oct 14th, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Via Zoom online
Members present: Vibha Akkaraju, Eva Barrows, Alisha Willis, David Harris, Tim Flood, Sue Barizon, Nirmy Kang, Margaret Nalbach, Miera Rao, and Tice Swackhamer
1. Minutes - Nirmy
September 2024 meeting minutes presented for approval. Approved.
2. October Workshop - Eva
Saturday, October 26th, 10:00am-1:30pm, Martha Gies and Ruth Schwartz
We have 18 people signed up so far. Reminder will be sent out in NewsBlast.
Meghan & Vibha will take care of the food in Sue’s absence - turkey rolls, quinoa salad, macarons.
Vibha will check to see who will let us into the room.
3. GoDaddy to SquareSpace - Meghan
Pushed to next month
5. Proposal to reduce Newsletter/NewsBlast frequency - Tice & Tim
Tice shared a spreadsheet showing the frequency of other branches' Newsletters - mostly one a month. It was proposed that we decrease the frequency of our Newsletter/Newsblast to once a month beginning in November 2024 - we will continue to send out special announcements as needed. APPROVED. We will announce this change along with the fact that Tice will be our new Communications Director at the October Meeting.
6. Holiday Party - “Bring a Bite” - Sue
The party will be on Sunday 8th December from 2:00 - 4:30. We will use the same format as last year - ‘Bring a Bite” potluck. Sue’s granddaughter and her friends will be passing hor d'oeuvres. Sue and her team will do a “Bring a Bite” presentation, complete with costumes, at the November meeting :) Sue will pass out a “Bring a Bite” signup sheet.
7. Holiday Party - Author Book Sales
Since there is no FaultZone this year, members will be allowed to sell their own books. Sue will pass out a signup sheet at the October meeting - for authors who would like to bring their books to sell. Pending - how many authors, final room layout, do we stipulate a maximum, should we try to accommodate everyone.
7. Treasurer’s Report - Alisha
Alisha presented the September treasurers reports. We made a profit of $266.64 this month. Alisha to upload all Treasurers Reports to the appropriate shared Google folders.
8. Orientation Meetings - Vibha & Margaret
Extremely well received by participants. We will continue to offer these meetings in lieu of Elise Miller’s one-on-one welcome calls.
9. Membership Renewal - Tim & Margaret
Current total is 152!
10. Zoom Subscription - Vibha & Sheena
Our current subscription is expensive and more than we need. Sheena downscaled our subscription leading to a saving of $160 per annum
11. Fault Zone - Vanessa
Entries are coming in strong
13. Critique Groups - Miera
We do not have enough hosts to lead new groups. Vibha will make an announcement at the October meeting and see if this encourages people to form/lead new groups.
Meeting adjourned 8:20pm
Nirmy Kang (Secretary): Taken October 14th, 2024