Sep 16th, 2024 Board Meeting

If you wish to attend, email your request to

California Writers Club

San Francisco/Peninsula Branch

Sep 16th, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Via Zoom online

Members present: Vibha Akkaraju, Eva Barrows, Alisha Willis, David Harris, Tim Flood, Sue Barizon, Nirmy Kang, Margaret Nalbach, Miera Rao, Megan McDonald, and Tice Swackhamer

1. Minutes - Nirmy 

August Retreat 2024 minutes presented for approval. Approved.

2. BIG NEWS!! 

Tice Swackhamer will be taking over from Tim as Communications Director. Handover will take place late November/early December. Thank you so much Tice.

3. October Workshop - Vibha/Eva

  1. Saturday, October 25, 10:00am-1:30pm, Martha Gies and Ruth Schwartz 

  2. Meghan & Vibha will take care of the food in Sue’s absence

  3. Carol and Winston will open the Yacht Club doors for us (in their absence Sue and Steve will open the doors and in their absence Vibha). Really kind of the Yacht Club to continue to allow us to use their facility for our meetings - a huge thank you to Carol for making this happen. 

  4. Reminders about the meeting will be sent out over the next few weeks

  5. Also need to contact local branches so that they can promote our workshops too

4. Promotion Ideas - Eva

a) Eva has created a folder with promotional flyers that can be sent out over social media

b) She will print out flyers to hand out at our meetings

c) We should have a marketing budget for promotion

d) We should reach out to newsletter writers for the other local branches and ask them to promote our workshops too. 

e) Vibha wanted to know if we can process credit card payments on the behalf of the presenters. No - since we are not using credit card machines

5. SquareSpace - Megan

Should we increase our SquareSpace capacity? We currently pay for 5 email campaigns per month. For an extra $360 per year we can increase our capacity to 20 per month. The consensus was that we do not need to increase - we can send any extra emails via gmail - so will keep the current plan.

6. New Book Launch & Publicity Group - Tim

Tim, Geri, Miera, Jennifer and Sarah have formed a new group to look at book launches and publicity. The group will be kept small for now. 

7. Holiday Party - Sue

The party will be on Sunday 8th December from 2 - 4:30. We will use the same format as last year - ‘Bring a Bite” potluck. Since there is no FaultZone this year, members will be allowed to sell their own books. More details to follow. 

8. Treasurer’s Report - Alisha 

Alisha presented the July and August treasurers reports. Of note we have received royalties from Paper Angel Press.

9. Sequoia Yacht Club Rental - Vibha

We are up to date for payments for the coming year

10. Interest Earning Account - Vibha/Alisha

There was discussion about opening a brokerage/interest earning account. Vibha will do further research and share at a later meeting. 

11. Zoom Subscription - Vibha

Our current subscription is expensive and more than we need. Vibha will ask Sheena to look into making more cost effective

12. Action Items - Vibha

 How to track action items? Have they been completed? We will look into this at a later meeting.

13.  Promoting Stuart Horwitz’s writing contest - Vibha 

There was consensus that we should not promote as it sets a precedent. 

Meeting adjourned 8:14pm

Nirmy Kang (Secretary): Taken September 16th, 2024


Oct 14th, 2024 Board Meeting


Aug 13th, 2024 Board Retreat