May 13th, 2024 Board Meeting
If you wish to attend, email your request to
California Writers Club
San Francisco/Peninsula Branch
May 13th, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Via Zoom online
The meeting was called to order by President Vibha Akkaraju at 7:04 PM
In attendance:
President: Vibha Akkaagu
Vice President: Eva Barrows
Immediate past president, State VP, State Rep and NorCal Rep: Geri Spieler
Tim Flood: Communications and membership support
Webmaster: Megan Mc Donald
Membership Chair: Margaret Nalbach
Fault Zone Editor: Kate Adams
Critique Group Chair: Miera Rao
Hospitality Chair: Sue Barizon
Treasurer: Alisha Willis
Open Mic Chair: Vanessa MacLaren-Wray
A vote was not taken to approve the April minutes
Fault Zone: Vanessa McClaren Wray gave a report on the status of the Fault Zone anthology. She included a notice on the website to reach out to members to volunteer to edit entries. That included an information list where people could choose how they wanted to assist. She had 14 people respond to help with the next issue. She said sending the form for volunteers was successful.
Elections: The list of candidates was announced on the Website. The slate includes the existing four board members who are running again for office. Tim said that David will run the election in June
Summer Picnic Sue Barizon reported that the July 20 picnic will be in a new location. She announced that it has more tables and benches and more shade. The club will pay for all food and drink. She will send out invitations so she will know how many people will attend. The expense of $600 was approved.
Website inclusion: Megan asked about what to include on our website. She has had requests from members to post outside information such as contests and events. It was decided we will not post non-CWC activities.
Treasurer's report: Alsiha gave the treasurer's report. There was one refund to a member who was not happy about the critique group she was put in and said the reason she joined was specifically to be in a critique group. It was reported that Sheena Arora said the woman's book was more of a reference book and did not fit with that particular critique group. The woman asked to have her membership refunded. Vibha moved to approve the report. Vibha moved for the treasurer's report to be approved. Margaret seconded the motion. The report was approved
Member problem: Geri and Vibha discussed the behavior of Vlasta Diamont, a current member of our branch who has been reported to be highly critical of the club and sent nasty and damaging notes to several club members in addition to being difficult in person to membership staff. Geri moved to refund her membership. Margaret seconded it. It was approved. Margaret will write a letter to Vlasta advising her we are refunding her membership and that it is apparent our club does not meet her needs. It will be signed by three officers: Vibha, Geri, and Margaret. The estimated time to deliver is the week of May 13 before the next general meeting on Saturday, May 18.
Code of Conduct: Miera proposed to create a “Code of Conduct” to be included on our website and announced at the next general meeting for people to read.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectfully submitted:
Geri Spieler-Immediate Past President and VP of Statewide CWC