Mar 11th, 2024 Board Meeting

If you wish to attend, email your request to

California Writers Club

San Francisco/Peninsula Branch

Mar 11th, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

Via Zoom online

Members present: Vibha Akkaraju, Eva Barrows, Geri Spieler, Alisha Willis, David Harris, Tim Flood, Sue Barizon, Nirmy Kang, Margaret Nalbach, Miera Rao, 

1. Minutes - Nirmy: February 2024 Retreat minutes presented for approval. Approved.

2. Critique Groups - Miera: There are not enough open critique groups. We need more people to step up and host groups. Miera will write up a “How to run a critique group” cheat sheet to serve as a guide. Suggested that perhaps experienced critique group members could sit in on the first meeting.  

3. Membership - Margaret: Membership is going swimmingly. We are currently at 147 members and have had 20 new members join since January alone. Margaret suggested a sponsorship program - to be discussed further. There was discussion on whether we should change the meeting fee back to $10. Suggested that we keep the fee the same at $15 and offer discounts to those in need on a case by case basis. 

4. Communications - Tim: A presentation on the newsblast schedule and news & post team roster. 

5. Book Reviews - Geri: Sent some excellent guidelines to the Board on how to do Book Reviews. She suggested that we find a “wrangler” to manage the process. 

6. Meeting Room Layout - Sue: Shared her “magic board” to show a new room layout that can easily seat 60 people. 

7. Workshops - Eva: Elderly member requested CWC create a list of audio books published by members. Possible Fall Workshop with Joey Garcia. Proposed Topic:  In the Writing Articles for Promotion and Profit workshop - pending. 4. Need to figure out a date for the workshop. Can we promote the workshop via email to all of the local CWC chapters? Yes.  

8. Elections - David: We need a nominating committee. Tim, Geri and Sue very kindly volunteered. The slate for the 4 elected positions needs to be presented at the May general meeting. The current slate will make a decision in the next 2 weeks on whether they will run again. There was talk of extending the terms for the Executive Board to 2 years.

9. Treasurer’s Report - Alisha: Presented the February report. 

Meeting Minutes taken by Nirmy Kang, Secretary: 3/11/24


Apr 15th, 2024 Board Meeting


Feb 10th, 2024 Board Retreat