Nov 13, 2023, Board Meeting

If you wish to attend, email your request to


California Writers Club

San Francisco/Peninsula Branch

Nov 13th, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.

Via Zoom online


California Writers Club

San Francisco/Peninsula Branch

Members present: Vibha Akkaraju, Eva Barrows, Geri Spieler, Alisha Willis, David Harris, Tim Flood, Sue Barizon, Nirmy Kang, Margaret Nalbach, Miera Rao, Kate Adams

1. October 2023 meeting minutes were presented (amended) and approved.

2. Tim to help Nirmy post meeting minutes to the CWCSF website.

3. All content for Fault Zone will be ready for submission by the deadline on Wednesday 15th November. Kate shared that Laurel-Anne, Vanessa and Doug have done an absolutely incredible job.   

4.  Margaret informed the Board that Darlene and Doug were extremely grateful for their monthly meeting scholarships. The discussion on charging new members was postponed until a later date. 

5. Reena Kapoor will be maintaining and revising the content for the Resources tab of our website. Per Tim - she is doing an excellent job. 

6. Eva has redesigned the NewsBlast using  SquareSpace - it looks amazing. There was discussion around keeping fonts consistent throughout our website.  

7. Geri (VP CWC) shared that she is currently working on (at the state and local level)

  1. Identifying and recording how many of our members have been published

  2. Creating a RoadMap for how to market your book.  

8. Eva asked how many workshops we should do per year. It was decided that two (2) per year (fall and spring) would be ideal. It was felt that workshops on craft seem to be most useful to members. 

9. Readings from FaultZone at the Holiday party will last approx. 45 mins (8 or so readers). Readers will be generated randomly - it was felt however that it would be great to have people who have not read before. We will also start keeping track of readers at the monthly meetings.  

10. “The Holiday Party” 

  1. Sue will give a “bring-a-bite” demo at the November meeting.

  2. Sue shared an incredibly helpful detailed floor plan and timeline for the party. 

  3. Vibha/Margaret will print out name tags. 

  4. There will be no bar or games this year. From previous experience they have proven to not be necessary.

  5. Discussion around payment methods for buying FaultZone - cash, check, Stripe, VenMo etc.

  6. A huge thank you to Sue and her incredible team of volunteers. 

11. Alisha sent a copy of the October Treasurer’s report via email to the Board.

Nirmy Kang, Secretary. Taken:11/13/23


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