Apr 10, 2023, Board Meeting

If you wish to attend, email your request to president@sfpeninsulawriters.com.


California Writers Club

San Francisco/Peninsula Branch

Apr 10th, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.

Via Zoom online


California Writers Club

San Francisco/Peninsula Branch

Members present: Geri Spieler, Alisha Willis, David Harris, Margaret Nalbach, Tim Flood, Kate Adams, Miera Rao, Nirmy Kang, Laurel Anne Hill, Vibha Akkaraju, Audrey Kalman, Megan McDonald

1. March 2023 meeting minutes were presented and passed. 

2. The new private Facebook page is up and running. Thank you to Megan McDonald for all of her hard work. Tim will send Megan a list of our members.

3. We have a new smaller storage unit. The cost will decrease from $226pm to $119pm. A refund (~$400) was given for the 6 month prepayment amount.

4. There was discussion around increasing the monthly meeting fee. We need to pay for equipment etc. It was felt that we offer really good value for money and may be undercharging compared to the other branches. Vibha will look into whether we can find numbers for the other branches. 

5. A motion was made and passed (Yes - Alisha, Vibha, Audrey: Abstain - Nirmy) to approve the ByLaws and Policies & Procedures. 

6. FaultZone: Vanessa has been liaising with Paper Angel Press. A contract should be ready for presentation at the May Board Meeting. Tim is going to tweak the process so that in future only members can submit. 

7. Critique Groups: Miera has matched everyone who asked to a critique group.   

8. Nominating Committee: Tim, Margaret and Darlene are chairing the committee and will inform members of open roles.

9. Tim and Margaret presented the Mission & Values Statements. Vibha and Miera will help to fine tune. 

10. Alisha presented the Treasurer's report for March. 

Nirmy Kang, Secretary. Taken: 4/10/23


May 15 2023, Board Meeting


Mar 13, 2023, Board Meeting