
Members: Got news? Send a short news blurb about your accomplishments as a writer (awards, nominations, achievements, interviews, and anything else pertaining to your accomplishments as a writer), a resizable .jpeg image of yourself, and any relevant URLs to

Jeanne Powell read at Salesforce Park Poetry Series in SF
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Jeanne Powell read at Salesforce Park Poetry Series in SF

On Thursday, February 9, Dr. Jeanne Powell, along with two other Rooted & Written Fellowship recipients, read from her works at Salesforce Park Poetry Series in San Francisco. Performances are curated by the SF Writers Grotto on Thursdays during the month of February.

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Two poems and a short story by Nanci Woody
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Two poems and a short story by Nanci Woody

Nanci Woody’s short story “Bessie” appears in the CWC-Sacramento anthology Visions (August 2022). In December 2022, her poem “A Question for the Gods” was published online by The Fear of Monkeys, while her poem “These Hands” appeared in the online magazine Fleas on the Dog.

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James Hanna’s Gertie McDowell wrestles in “Lights Out Lizzie”
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

James Hanna’s Gertie McDowell wrestles in “Lights Out Lizzie”

James Hanna’s Gertie McDowell, heroine of The Ping-Pong Champion of Chinatown, returns in “Lights Out Lizzie,” published in Across the Margin. Gertie is recruited by Christian Ladies of Wrestling, a professional women’s wrestling troop, whose mission is to bring folks to Jesus by having wrestlers pretending to be god-fearing women wallop the daylights out of wrestlers pretending to be sinners. Madcap humor or social commentary? You decide.

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Eva Barrows to help writers create value-filled newsletters
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Eva Barrows to help writers create value-filled newsletters

At the Writers Helping Writers session on February 16 at the Rinconada Library, member Eva Barrows will discuss creating a value-filled newsletter that your target audience will love to receive in their email inbox. Eva will discuss content ideas, newsletter email systems, important dos and don’ts, and more. Check out our Events page for more information.

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Birth Your Truest Story offers Writers’ Roundtable
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Birth Your Truest Story offers Writers’ Roundtable

The Birth Your Truest Story online community, co-founded by member Audrey Kalman, will offer a Writers' Roundtable on Sunday, February 5, 9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Learn how to develop your characters more deeply so readers will stay engaged. Ask questions, interact with other writers, and energize your writing practice. Purchase here or join the BYTS community for free to find out more about this and other events, including a love-themed open mic!

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Richard McCallum’s work at Museum of the Rockies and The Sink
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Richard McCallum’s work at Museum of the Rockies and The Sink

Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana, is having a screening of Richard McCallum’s Changing Dawn, a film he wrote and directed fifty years ago for the MSU Archaeology Department.

The Sink, the iconic, one-hundred-year-old Colorado University (CU) burger restaurant and bar, has published Richard McCallum’s ditty “The Days of ’69” on their Sink Facebook page.

Richard’s work can be found on his website:

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James Hanna’s Fact Check garners favorable reviews
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

James Hanna’s Fact Check garners favorable reviews

Ten book reviewers have given James Hanna’s anthology, Fact Check and More Probing Tales either a 4/4-star or a 5/5-star rating. Seattle Book Review calls Hanna’s book, “a dazzling collection of stories about people and events that run the gamut from mundane to astonishing, delightful to terrifying, all the while both entertaining and amusing.”

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A political allegory and a vignette by James Hanna
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

A political allegory and a vignette by James Hanna

What happens when a lonely librarian answers a matrimonial ad from a demented farmer growing mutant plant-creatures for the government? The answer may be found in “Fruits,” James Hanna’s political allegory published in The Chamber Magazine. His two-hundred word vignette, “A Chicken Story,” appears in 10 by 10, a journal that showcases ten pieces of condensed fiction per issue.

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Our members in CWC Literary Review
Tim Flood Tim Flood

Our members in CWC Literary Review

As a member, you should have received your copy of the California Writers Club Literary Review, Issue No. 11, 2022. A hearty congratulations to our five members whose works are published in this edition. They are Anne Marie Wenzel (pictured at left) with two of her works, "Summer Heaven" and "Earth Song: A Cento," poetry; Brad Hoge, "The Swing Set," poetry; Karen Sundback, "Land of Goodness and Hope," prose fiction; Lucretia Leong, "Where Have All My Nouns Gone," prose memoir; and Marianne Brems, "Preparing Soup," poetry. Inspirational and beautiful writing, guys! You represent us well!

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Mary Beth’s op-ed and interview
Tim Flood Tim Flood

Mary Beth’s op-ed and interview

Check out Mary Beth O'Connor’s LA Times op-ed, ”It wasn't luck that allowed me to become a judge after meth addiction. It was white privilege.” Her piece was reprinted by newspapers and news services around the country, including the San Jose Mercury News. In addition, Mary Beth was interviewed on the Tavis Smiley radio show on Apple Podcasts. The interview covers her story in general and the story of her arrest. You’re having an impact, Mary Beth!

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Geri presents!
Tim Flood Tim Flood

Geri presents!

Our intrepid president Geri Spieler is confirmed to present two sessions at the upcoming San Francisco Writers Conference at the Hyatt Embarcadero in February. 1) A Master Class on “Internet Research Skills Everyone Should Know,” Thursday, Feb. 16, from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. 2) A presentation entitled “Just the facts: How to research true crime,” Saturday, Feb. 18 at 3:15 PM. Jack Webb would advise her, “Just the facts, Geri.”

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