
Members: Got news? Send a short news blurb about your accomplishments as a writer (awards, nominations, achievements, interviews, and anything else pertaining to your accomplishments as a writer), a resizable .jpeg image of yourself, and any relevant URLs to

Karen Sundback invites writers to evening critique group
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Karen Sundback invites writers to evening critique group

Is writing your passion? If so, join us. We're a small supportive group of seven experienced writers focused on short stories, creative nonfiction, memoirs and novels. We have room for two more. We Zoom the second and fourth Tuesday of every month from 7 - 8:30 pm PST. Meeting time is spent on commenting on our stories and giving encouragement. Word limit is 2500. Interested? If so, please email Karen Sundback at

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CWC members attend 18th San Francisco Writers Conference
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

CWC members attend 18th San Francisco Writers Conference

At the 18th San Francisco Writers Conference this past July 21 to 24, the California Writers Club ran a colorful booth festooned with the covers of books written by its members. Carole Bumpus spoke on the Hungry to Publish: How to Write and Publish Cookbooks panel. She also arranged for the CWC Success Stories panel where Evelyn LaTorre represented SF-Peninsula and noted that “for the past 13 years CWC has helped shape my writing life. . . . I doubt I’d have two published books without their guidance.”

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Exciting news about Jac’s trilogy
Tim Flood Tim Flood

Exciting news about Jac’s trilogy

In early August the first book of Jac Fitzenz’ trilogy, The Shanahans, will be published by Palmetto Publishing. His second book, in the editing stage, is to be ready by the Fall. In addition, Jac will be featured as the August cover story of “The Villages Spotlight,” a South Bay magazine. Timing for both cover story and the book’s publishing seem to be aligned.

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Ida’s books featured in high school poetry class
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Ida’s books featured in high school poetry class

Member Ida J. Lewenstein’s rhyming books will soon help teach the art of rhyme to students at Cristo Rey Tampa High School in Tampa, FL! Four to six students in a work-study environment will study rhyme and then pass along what they learn to students at nearby elementary and middle schools. Students will read and study Ida’s A Sad Little Dog, Poor Old Goat, The Weary Clock, and The Little Chair. Ida’s books are available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and her website,

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Steve’s newest crime fiction novel
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Steve’s newest crime fiction novel

Steve Latner has published a new crime fiction book! In Nice Guy Bob, the nicest ex-con in the neighborhood and his dog, Ricky, witness a crime that forces Bob to grapple with conflicting emotions and corrupt officials. Can this old thief and his small dog outwit the police and the sociopath sent to kill them? Read to find out!

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Evelyn’s “Art in a Time of Chaos”
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

Evelyn’s “Art in a Time of Chaos”

Evelyn LaTorre answered the call of editor Stefanie Raffelock for art that uplifts and informs our crisis-stricken world. Evelyn’s chapter, “Art in the Time of Chaos,” appears in the anthology Art in the Time of Unbearable Crisis, published by She Writes Press. Proceeds from this work will be donated to the nonprofit World Central Kitchen, an organization conceived by chef José Andrés as a way to feed people affected by natural disasters and war.

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James Hanna’s trifecta of stories, plus one award-winning novel
Colleen Olle Colleen Olle

James Hanna’s trifecta of stories, plus one award-winning novel

Member James Hanna has three new short stories available for eager readers. The macabre “Another Will Take Your Place” appears in The Chamber Magazine. “The Keeper of the Abyss” is published in A Thin Slice of Anxiety, and the ribald “A Diamond as Big as a Black-Eyed Pea” entertains readers in K’in.

His novel The Ping-Pong Champion of Chinatown won a gold medal in humor from the 2022 Independent Press Awards!

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Richard’s videography
Tim Flood Tim Flood

Richard’s videography

Richard McCallum has created a self-made teleprompter that allows him to view, read, and record a script on the pc screen without looking down or shuffling papers or reading from his phone. He purchased a foot control allowing him to scroll through the script on the pc at his own pace, so he doesn’t have to fumble with up/down arrows on a keyboard. He is happy to share this technique with anyone interested. Write to Richard at

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New poems from Joan Gelfand
Tim Flood Tim Flood

New poems from Joan Gelfand

Two poems from Joan Gelfand’s new work in progress have been accepted for publication. "Hamani" will appear in The Wax Paper and "Branded" will appear in "Ignatiun" the Literary Journal of USF. In addition, her poem “The Ferlinghetti School of Poetics” appears in “Light on the Walls of Life” a tribute anthology to Lawrence Ferlinghetti to be published on March 24, Ferlinghetti’s 102 birthday.

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