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Writing Tools

  • Grammarly can help give your writing a smoothness and gloss it otherwise might not have. The free version is quite good. 

  • Good ole Microsoft Word: Under Preferences, choose “Spelling & Grammar” and explore options. Plus, You can highlight any word and right-click to do a “Smart Lookup” for a quick definition.

  • Scrivener users will benefit from suggestions to enhance their writing. Navigate to Scrivener > Settings > Corrections to explore options. Grammarly also works within Scrivener. 

  • Chicago Manual of Style for academic and professional writing. You must pay for a subscription.

  • Free Thesaurus at Emote, the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus. 

  • MasterWriter claims to offer a powerful suite of writing tools especially for Song writers, and also Creative writers.

  • Free online tools by searching for “online grammar tools” or “online writing tools”